Fairways, Inverness

Q & A


Can you please explain the term PoAN and why does the red line appears to be beyond the proposed development areas, most notably extending to the north of the distributor road?


How do you consider this proposed development accords with the development plan / Why do you disagree with the Councils proposals for IN63 in the IMFLDP2 / Fairways Golf Course is allocated as greenspace within the LDP / the site is not allocated for the proposed uses in the development plan / the site is not preferred for the proposed uses in the LDP Main Issues Report, i.e. it is non-preferred by the Council for the proposed uses.


Surely it would have been better to await the lifting of COVID restrictions before carrying out this consultation?


What are the general benefits/enhancements to the general area that you feel the development would bring?


As a resident in Castle Heather Avenue, how will this affect me regarding noise and pollution?


What do you say to large sections of the community who are concerned by these plans?


The proposed roundabout appears to be offset, is that accurate?


How will these proposals affect the distributor road and are there any plans to dual it?


Who will provide the ongoing open space maintenance for area? Would this be a one-off fee paid to the council or a factoring arrangement. If the latter, who would your preferred factors be? Will the golf course be included within the factoring?


At 08, what do you mean by “commercial uses” and how would the locations be determined?


There is school/community use at 05. The area is short on capacity for all its schools, so a new school would be required (as per Ness-side). Would Kirkwood fully fund the build and kit-out?


I note your proposal includes a primary school. Will you be building that or do you expect the community to pay for it? How do you propose to accommodate all the secondary school pupils when all of the local schools have full or predicted to be full rolls? Developer contributions do not really help provide such facilities since they do not need to be paid up until after the development is well underway meaning the community is left to pick up the problem. This is exacerbated by a piecemeal development over several years which allows the developer to avoid paying.


What considerations / discussions have you held with public transport initiatives?


What discussions have you held with THC planning officials and what was the outcome of those discussions?


The is no requirement for additional affordable housing in this area at this time, the current allocation in the IMLDP meets the targets, so that cannot be considered a benefit.


Have you considered the impact on wildlife in the area, including the impact of the development and roads.


Please improve the sizing / scaling of the drawings and information on the web site, unable to read small text clearly. Drawing should be provided in a format that can be zoomed into.


What about the lack of any real green space / recreational areas in Inverness? This side of the city is overdeveloped as it is with the surrounding infrastructure struggling to cope with the demands placed on them from a big increase in local population.


If these proposals are approved when is development likely to commence / interested in purchasing a house / interested in accessing an affordable house.


These proposals could affect the price of my property, with noise and the fact that the volume of traffic will be on the road, this volume has already doubled with other sites being built up and down next to this distributor road, are you the developers willing to pay compensation for this.


I have concerns on insufficient drainage in the area that is already a flood risk, increase level of traffic and noise on the already busy distributor road, pollution/fumes to nearby houses. You have stated you are looking to include a primary school, but what about the increase in capacity for the nearby secondary schools who are at capacity already/pressure on G.P's and other resources.


Will Fairways Driving Range be left as it is.


Will the proposals affect the bowling club.